To enable mod rewrite, you need to add a symbolic link to the module definition file, which lives in
/etc/apache2/mods-available, to the folder:
/etc/apache2/mods-enabled. Do this by first changing to the
mods-enabled folder then adding the symlink.
cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
ln -s ../mods-available/rewrite.load
In the sites-enabled folder
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled, edit
000-default (this is actually a symbolic link to
etc/apache2/sites-available/default, which will need to be made editable before making changes). You will need to add the statement:
to the directory blocks for '/' and '/var/www'. If these blocks do not contain the statement:
then add it at the end. Make sure that any occurrence of
AllowOverride None within these blocks is changed, commented or deleted.