30 Nov 2010


It's been a while since I wrote anything, but that doesn't mean I haven't done anything. I've been head down wrapping up a CakePHP CMS before I changed jobs. Now I'm a Coldfusion developer. WTF? I've never used it but working through the tutorials it seems really straightforward. I guess the hard part will be letting go of MVC. Of course, someone has cooked up an MVC framework for CF, but there's too much legacy in my new job to even think about it.

I'll still be doing the CakePHP stuff as well as I have one or two personal projects and, for a smalltimer, hosting Coldfusion is just too expensive.


  1. Yep there are a few MVC frameworks for ColdFusion. ModelGlue, Mach II, FW1.

    StackOverflow and twitter are great places to find out more.Use #ColdFusion to get some help.

  2. If your into CakePHP, check out CFWheels for ColdFusion. You should find it much to your liking. Also, Alurium Hosting has very good pricing on their ColdFusion hosting. Good Luck in the ColdFusion world!

  3. I am certain you will enjoy CF a lot, mvc or not :)

    Welcome to the CF dev community! It's a great place to be.

